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Brian Forrester

“If your listeners struggle with their marketing message, my easy framework creates powerful content so they can reach their ideal customers.”


About Me

I'm the co-founder of Genie Jar Digital, a Williamsburg, Virginia marketing agency. I also teach marketing through Old Dominion University's Veterans Business Outreach Center. I've authored two business books: 30 Days of Marketing Mojo and I Hate Marketing, along with a young adult fiction novel, The Jungle Within. My copywriting has received national awards including the Telly and the Webby.

Using stories, I teach a marketing "skeletal" framework consisting of easy-to-remember connected parts. This strategy transforms boring marketing collateral into compelling messages that educate and entertain.

Born a Tar Heel (North Carolina) but now a Virginian, I’m the father of five and the husband of one amazing lady. My family has a thing for Golden Retrievers. Given the right circumstances, I can do a mean moonwalk on a slick kitchen floor.

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