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Brandon Thomas

“Entrepreneur | Flipper | Investor | Great Stories from Experiences in all”


About Me

Brandon Thomas is an accomplished visionary real estate investor, renowned for his strategic prowess and astute financial acumen in the dynamic world of real estate.

Born and raised in West Virginia, Brandon’s journey into the realm of property investment seemed inevitable as he was working as a property manager through most of his college semesters and saw first-hand how much an owner of a property could earn.

Brandon's expertise extends beyond his own business ventures; he is a respected mentor and sought-after speaker in the real estate investment community. Through seminars, webinars, and workshops, he imparts his knowledge and insights to aspiring investors, empowering them to navigate the real estate landscape with confidence.

While Brandon is undoubtedly a shrewd negotiator and savvy investor, his success can also be attributed to his unwavering dedication to his core values. Integrity, transparency, and a client-centric approach form the bedrock of his business philosophy, earning him the trust and loyalty of an extensive network of investors, partners, and collaborators.

Despite his demanding professional commitments, Brandon actively supports affordable housing initiatives and educational programs that empower underserved communities to break barriers and achieve their dreams. He started a small clothing company that donates 50% of all profits to the Save The Children Foundation in 2023.

In his rare moments of respite, Brandon enjoys spending time with his wife and has an insatiable appetite for literature as he easily reads 1-2 books a week. He firmly believes that continuous learning is key to staying ahead in the ever-evolving world of real estate and business.

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Entrepreneur | Flipper | Investor | CEO @melissa_flathmann 💍 Bucked Up® Athlete - AMMO1 = 20% Off ☝🏽. 451 Followers.

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