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Brandon LeMar Bass

“Smooth Double: An Enlightening Musical Journey in "I’m Scared To Admit That I Have Wasted So Much Time"”


About Me

In a world where boundaries often divide, Brandon LeMar Bass, known as Smooth Doubleb, emerges as a unifying force through music. His latest album, "I’m Scared To Admit That I Have Wasted So Much Time," transcends not just musical genres, but also cultural, political, and spiritual divides. This album is a testament to music's unique ability to act as a universal language and a source of healing in today's complex world.

Smooth Doubleb’s latest work is much more than an artistic endeavor; it's a bridge connecting diverse experiences and emotions. Born amidst the global introspection of the 2020 pandemic, this album is a reflection of Brandon's belief in the unifying power of music. According to him, music transcends mere entertainment; it is a vital tool for healing and understanding in an increasingly fragmented world.

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