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Brad Shepherd

“Recovered landlord turned licensed private securities agent. Expert in helping individuals invest in hassle free real estate.”


About Me

At 27 I led a media company startup to a successful buyout. Primary focus of roles has been in sales, real estate acquisition, business development, and capital raising.

During my junior year of college I picked up what I thought was just a short-term student job with a very young startup, and that job turned into the next nine years as we grew the company into a powerhouse within its industry.

After we sold that company, my wife and I spent a year traveling abroad...Costa Rica, New Zealand, Australia, Bali, and then after a couple weeks in Santa Monica we settled in Austin where we stayed for 10 years. In 2021 we moved to Boise, Idaho.

I bought my first rental property within a month of college graduation. (Thank you Rich Dad Poor Dad.) My partners and I were doing short term vacation rentals before there was such a thing as Airbnb, and that eventually led to commercial development, building an amazing hotel and retail shop in a small tourist town in southern Illinois.

In Texas I began other active real estate strategies, doing a handful of fix and flips and buying rental properties with creative financing. But I quickly realized that wasn't a passion, wasn't scaleable, and required too much time. (I now consider myself a recovering landlord.) That realization led me to large commercial real estate syndications. I invested in my first one in 2017.

After investing in a couple more I decided I needed to help others get involved in this amazing investment vehicle. That's when we launched Sugarhouse Investments, helping other busy professionals access pre-vetted syndication opportunities.

With over 20 years of real estate experience, the last five have been exclusively as a securities agent raising millions of dollars for commercial real estate projects.

I'm an avid trail runner and adventure racer, and a budding archery enthusiast.

For my side projects, check out (my wife and I are wannabe health food evangelists) and (our travel blog).

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