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Bonnie Violet Quintana

“I am a trans femme genderqueer spiritual drag artist and digital chaplain.”


About Me

Bonnie Violet is a trans femme genderqueer spiritual drag artist and digital chaplain. YouTuber & Host of a queer chaplain podcast with such series as Drag & Spirituality, TranSpirit & Faith Leaders. Co-host of Splintered Grace with her conservative christian aunt & At the CCC recovery podcast. Creator & Founder of Allies Linked for the Prevention of HIV & AIDS (a.l.p.ha.) & the annual Drag & Spirituality Summit.

Bonnie Violet shares her experience strength and hope with HIV for 24 years, recovering from drugs, alcohol, and sexual assault among other things for 14 years in classrooms, community centers, churches, online and pretty much anywhere else she is invited.

 As, a queer chaplain, she is present with people in death and dying to self by helping to lace one’s narrative with a spiritual thread to remind one of their resilience, strengthen faith in self and create serenity in the now and instill hope for their future.

I believe in order to keep it, you need to give it away. I have experienced healing in so many ways, healing I didn’t know was possible so I want to share my healing with the hope that it’ll help others to heal. I am currently focused full time being a digital minister of sorts in service as a queer chaplain.

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