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BJ Shamlin

“Redefining Yacht Rock for people who have actually been on a boat. 60+ yrs pleasure boating & collecting music. Grief/Music connection.”


About Me

I am a 66 year old, recent widow who just started an online streaming radio station! Listening to music - music I loved and haven't listened to for years - new music I had only recently discovered - really great music - played on shuffle - not my old playlists - no TV - no silence - just three days of surprising, energizing, comforting, and sometimes sad but cathartic - fantastic music - without one single repeat the entire time - helped pull me out of my grief. I feel it literally changed my brain. I started BJ's Cove the next day!

I am the prime example of how music affects the brain as outlined in the book This is your Brain on Music and just recently highlighted by the AARP 10+ page study of how music is improving the lives of Alzheimer's and Dementia patients.

Starting the station, getting licensed, uploading my 5,000+ tracks was all the easy part. Trying to figure out who my audience was, who I was targeting, and what I wanted to accomplish was so much more difficult. How I became the influencer trying to redefine Yacht Rock is my story. I'd love to share it with you!

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Real Yacht Rock for Real Boaters

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