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Bill Boulden

“Bill Boulden is a Fractional CTO of nine (at last count) tech startups who has launched over a dozen products.”


About Me

Bill Boulden is a Fractional CTO of nine (at last count) tech startups who has launched over a dozen products. Bill specializes in "Zero to One" phase at startups, that is, taking products that are in the idea phase with no tech or working product to show yet and getting them to the point where they launch to customers. Bill has a lot of "tales from the trenches" learned in the course of launching over a dozen startups. They can talk about hands-on technical tools or entrepenuerial topics, as they have been involved in all sides of startups including sales and marketing, support, investment, and growth.

Questions you can ask me:

1) What is the biggest mistake you see startup founders make?

2) What tech stacks let you start fast and scale fast?

3) How do you make decisions on buying vs building technology?

4) What are common pitfalls that startups fall into?

5) How do you manage being the CTO for nine companies?

6) What are your greatest startup successes and greatest startup failures?

7) What products can startup founders use to succeed?

8) What does it cost to launch a web app these days?

9) What are your other hobbies? (Answer: I can talk about my EDM music and DJing).

10) What big trends are happening in the startup industry at large?

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