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Bethany Shaffer

“Former content marketing agency owner. I share true success (and failure!) stories from my FinTech clients who have tried everything to win.”


About Me

I'm the podcast guest that gently turns (at least some of) the conversation back to your show's mission.

Yes, I'll share the TRUE stories of wins and losses my own marketing clients have experienced as they try new strategies and tactics. But... I'll never forget YOUR show's goal. With finesse, I'll tie my "lessons learned" back to what the listener really tunes in to hear: your main message.

Why are business leaders (your listeners) interested in my stories? Because I've taken startups with 0 website traffic to a point where they're welcoming thousands of qualified organic visitors per month -- and again, with strategic content -- I turned those clicks into enduring relationships.

But I've also seen a variety of colossal failures.

And those are just as valuable.

But let's back up. How did I gain all this experience? In 2010 I launched a freelance marketing consulting career in personal finance. Delighted clients (Mastercard, Fidelity, KeyBank, and more) referred others to me, until I was overwhelmed. I began hiring fellow writers to achieve brands' SEO goals on my behalf. Before I knew it, I was running a full fledged marketing agency of my own.

Then, instead of coaching others individually to replicate my success, I consulted for esteemed platforms like Twitter Business and the Content Marketing Institute.

In marketing and finance, I've seen it all. From startups to legacy challenger brands, scrappy growth teams to bureaucratic departments, mom-and-pop shops to AI-driven visionaries. From personal banking to investment banking, budgeting to valuating, and CAC to ROI, I've covered it. And I've collected all my learnings to share with your listeners in a dynamic, relevant, memorable way.

Why are you still reading? Send me a message now. Let's discuss your show and how I can help it linger in listeners' minds long after they've tuned in.

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