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Anthony Pierre

“I'm a Real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Best Selling Author, Minister, that prospered despite doing 6 years in prison in my mid 3o's.”


About Me

Anthony Pierre life was turned upside down when he was suddenly arrested and sent to prison for 6 years. While in prison he searched deep within himself to understand who he really was and in the mist of this crisis found his love for writing that was lost in his childhood. Anthony loves writing Poetry, Motivational articles, and Real Estate Investing publications.  Anthony is a successful Real Estate Investor, with more than 20 years in the business. He also owns Estate Masters Real Estate Academy and several other businesses. While in prison Anthony taught hundreds students his real estate investing secrets and created one the most successful real estate investment programs in the State of Ohio Prison System through Urbana University. Anthony was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio where he currently lives with his wife and 4 children. “Boundless Success” is his first book. 

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