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Ani Dahir

“As a brand photographer and podcast host based in London, Ani Dahir has been honing her photography skills for nine years.”


About Me

Ani Dahir is a brand photographer and podcast host based in London. She explores visual storytelling, editorial shoots and more. Now, she's expanding her photography business and working towards helping business owners and brands with their visual marketing and brand identity.

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Listen to DARE 2 CREATE on Spotify. As a female entrepreneur, it's important to stand up for yourself when building your business or brand. Join me in conversations with my guests as we discuss the struggles they've faced and overcome in their entrepreneurial journey. Let's learn from each other and inspire one another to keep pushing forward. As a brand photographer, I can attest that creating something you're proud of is an amazing feeling. However, getting to where I am today wasn't easy. I had to learn how to stand on my own two feet even when I fell.

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