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Angela Lambrecht

“Strategic Dynamo & Challenge Conqueror | Fearlessly Leaping | Unleashing Results with Unmatched Ingenuity.”


About Me

Seasoned professional with an impressive 20-year corporate journey in financial services and supply chain, bringing extensive expertise to the table. I have recently embarked on an entrepreneurial endeavor, steering my own business venture with a passion for innovation and strategic growth.

Throughout my career, I've held leadership roles in finance, honing my skills as a finance leader and data analytics developer. My proficiency in navigating complex financial landscapes and leveraging data to drive informed decisions has been a cornerstone of my success.

Beyond the strategy sessions and workflow meetings, I am a dedicated single parent, facing the unique challenges of parenthood with strength and compassion. My journey involves actively supporting a child grappling with mental health issues, navigating the delicate balance of guiding them towards adulthood while fostering their mental well-being.

In my leadership roles, I've learned invaluable lessons from parenting a high-needs child. The resilience, patience, and adaptability required in parenting have seamlessly translated into my professional life. I approach challenges with a unique perspective, incorporating empathy and understanding into my leadership style. This fusion of personal and professional experiences has shaped my ability to lead with authenticity, creating a positive and supportive environment within teams.

My approach to leadership is grounded in the real-world experiences of balancing business intricacies with the complexities of raising a child with unique needs. This dual perspective enriches my leadership philosophy, emphasizing the importance of empathy, flexibility, and a people-centric approach.

In the realm of mental health, I bring a nuanced understanding, not only from a professional standpoint but also as a parent actively involved in guiding a child through the journey of self-discovery and growth. This unique blend of experiences positions me as a valuable contributor, ready to share a wealth of knowledge, insights, and strategies.

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to connect with your audience, offering a multifaceted perspective that spans business, entrepreneurship, parenting, and mental health. My story is one of resilience, innovation, and compassion, and I am eager to inspire and contribute to the collective growth and learning of your community.

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