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Angela Blanco

“Founder of Fluency Lab. Online Spanish Language School for professionals worldwide. Language professional tutor with 8+ years of experience.”


About Me

Hey there!

I’m Angela, the heart and soul behind Fluency Lab, 🌟

I’m on a mission to share the joy and inspiration that knowledge brings when it’s delivered with the right touch. You see, learning languages isn't just a career booster; it's a gateway to so much more.

I’m eager to dive into conversations about:

  • How language learning shapes our mental health, self-improvement, and boosts self-confidence in ways many haven't explored.
  • Busting those age-old myths about language acquisition and sharing how anyone, at any stage of life, can master a new language.
  • Unpacking language acquisition best practices and tailoring learning to fit every type of intelligence.
  • The incredible benefits of being bilingual or multilingual, straight from the experiences of my students.
  • Plus, I love venturing into discussions about moving abroad, embracing new cultures, and the beautiful worlds of art and literature.

Let’s Collaborate:

By joining forces, I’ll bring our chat to my community (over 500 LinkedIn connections, more than 3500 Instagram followers, and an engaged email list). I’d also love to offer your listeners a special deal on our Spanish Fluency Mag, connecting learners across the USA, Canada, Australia, Europe, and the UK with a tool that truly makes a difference.

Excited about the potential of enhancing our audiences together? Shoot me an email, and let’s brainstorm the best ways to make that happen. Can’t wait to connect and create some unforgettable conversations!

Best vibes,


Discover More

Fluency Lab | Spanish for Professionals

Fluency Lab. Spanish for professionals. Where professionals are achieving fluency in Spanish once and for all. Live Spanish lessons with professional native Tutors.

Profile artwork for Angela Blanco
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