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Amber Smith

“Hi! I'm Amber! I love my faith, travel, all things creative and navigating this journey called life! I'd love to talk about it with you!”


About Me

Hi! I'm Amber! I'm not really sure what you want to know about me, so I added my bio below. I can generally vibe and have a good time with anyone. If you are interested in having a convo to see if I'm a fit for your podcast, let me know! I'm looking forward to talking with you soon!

My Bio:

Amber attended Tuskegee University, where she completed her Bachelors in Physics. Upon graduation from Tuskegee University, she was selected to join the Operations Management Leadership Program at General Electric Company. At GE she worked in Logistics, Sourcing and Inventory Management. Amber's first humanitarian trip was dedicated to serving in the South African townships of Oceanview and Masiphumelele, pouring into children & youth, serving those impacted by HIV/AIDS and assisting with their vision clinic. After four years of dedication to General Electric Company, she chose to transition out of Corporate America. In 2016, she spent 6 months serving young girls involved in the sex industry and sex trafficking in Ethiopia. She has also served in both Vietnam and Australia, in multiple capacities. After service overseas, she returned home to assist individuals impacted by the hurricanes and wildfires in the United States. Amber, also, published the self-help book, Letters to a Younger Me, founded the freedom/outreach ministry, Jeans, T & Me Ministries, and published her second book, The Ups & Downs of Madison Brown. Amber created, wrote and produced her first scripted podcast series, The Table and recently re-entered the podcasting space with her new podcast, Ambiguity with Ambi. In addition to those creative avenues, she has traveled to over 20 countries sharing love and experiencing culture and community in a new and beautiful way! 

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