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Aline Davis

“Helping intuitive empaths to identify their true core values and essence for self empowerment and alignment.”


About Me

I am an akashic channel and a metaphysics coach guiding intuitive empaths to authentic relationships with themselves leading to self empowerment.

I have an innate interest in the healing arts and have studied, researched and practiced for many years.

I spent many years hiding and pushing down my gifts through fears of not fitting in and not being all those around me thought I should be. I pushed my sensitivity down in various ways and led a life of chronic people pleasing. I used various smoke screens to hide who I truly am.

Through practice and guidance and consistency; I have come to discover my authentic self (and that is not all Pollyanna) and have made it my mission to help like hearted souls (mainly female) to come out of hiding and identify their true values and start aligning to a path that feels right for them.

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Align with Aline, self empowerment coach

Align with Aline Podcast Channel

Weekly podcasts with special guests dedicated to motivate us for 2023 through advice for self empowerment; creativity; performing arts; healing arts; spirituality; mindfulness; growth and awakening for a healthy mind, body and soul. This is a year of going within and truly standing in the power of our souls´ purpose. Different special guests join us and share their wealth of knowledge and experience to inspire us to remember who we were born to be and to take action on our soul´s true path. I´m Aline and I guide Intuitive Empaths to find their power; identify their core values & Align to their true self. If you would like to work with me through 1:1 coaching or online courses; please do get in touch. I am so excited to take this journey with you. Much love, Aline xx

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