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Ali Horriyat

“A purpose-driven foundation founder who wants drive to everyday people to promote and foster compassion, empathy and social impact with love”


About Me

Ali Horriyat left the lucrative, profit-driven world of finance in which he worked as a private fund manager in 2016 to devote himself to the betterment of society where compassion, empathy and social impact would be at the heart of everything he did.

This culminated in him giving away his entire personal fortune to support those facing mental health issues. In 2020, he wanted to take his message even further, founding the charitable foundation Compassiviste to spread this vision.

Ali’s academic background has taken him to the UAE, France and Switzerland before pursuing higher education in Canada. He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in economics, political science, philosophy, business, international relations, conflict resolution and religion.

Aside from his charitable work he is creative, authoring 13 books, countless essays and poems; with a firm belief that humans must “love always, and always love.”

He can speak to the following topics:

  • Philanthropy isn’t just for the rich and famous - We need to remove the capitalist idea that it is all about money, action is far more meaningful.
  • Charity should not be transactional - The problems with the social media age and addiction to fame.
  • Why the 1% won’t bring change and why charities need to focus on everyday changemakers.
  • How root causes need to be addressed at a societal level - we need to change the course not just provide temporary solutions.

If you would like to speak with Ali, please contact us here and we woul dlove to provide more details as to what an appearance with him would be like.

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A better future Creating a compassionate society free from poverty, cruelty and suffering To support Compassiviste’s overarching mission, Compassiviste Foundation funds initiatives that respond to the worst humanitarian crises around the world. THE FOUNDATION Our Vision We believe in a world free of poverty, cruelty, and suffering; a place

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