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Alexa Geronimo

“I am Alexa, pitching Ms. Zuleika Alvarado, a female pharmacist and founder of Kiss Naturals skincare, a vegan and organic all-in-one serum.”


About Me

Ms. Zuleika Alvarado is a female pharmacist and founder of Kiss Naturals.

Kiss Naturals is a skincare company created by a Pharmacist Zuleika Alvarado, she has worked as a Chemist for Procter & Gamble and developed their anti-aging creams. Kiss Naturals just started and is a small business helping women save time in doing skin care by using an all-in-one serum that is vegan and organic. She is the sister of Saritza Alvarado who is a television star in Puerto Rico. Latin stars use this to get ready, it hydrates and protects your skin all day long, making it look smooth. It's best to apply before putting on make up so the make up looks smooth and the skin looks radiant and youthful on TV.  


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