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Air Travel Andrew

“I am an air travel aficionado and podcaster who is on a mission to help people become smarter and savvier air travelers.”


About Me

I am absolutely fascinated by the world of air travel. I first developed an interest in airlines and airplanes when I was a young child and that curiosity has never left me. Over the years, I have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity fly all around the world. During my travels, I have always approached air travel with a keen desire to learn and know more about what was going on around me.

Air travel can be confusing, stressful and frustrating. At the same time though, how things work in the industry can be absolutely fascinating. There is something truly special about flying and one of my favorite things to do is talk about air travel.

Through my podcast, Flying Smarter, I am on a mission to share my knowledge and love for the world of air travel in order to help people become smarter and savvier air travelers. I truly believe that enhancing people's knowledge about air travel will help them have smoother, less stressful and more enjoyable flying experiences.

I am also an aviation and travel writer. My work has appeared in publications including AirlineGeeks, Business Insider, and FLYING.

Topics/areas that I can discuss include:

  • Air travel advice: topics ranging from seat selection, to packing, to booking flights
  • Flying tips: coping with turbulence, frequent flyer programs, packing/baggage, and more
  • Enhancing your flying experience: topics such as upgrades, lounge access, unique air travel experiences
  • Airport and airline operations: how things like catering, air traffic control, and baggage systems work
  • Airline industry: business models, new developments, and more
  • Aviation safety: how airplane manufacturers and airlines keep passengers safe
  • The wonder of air travel: why air travel is so special and my passion for aviation

Whether you are looking for someone to provide flying tips and advice, address a particular air travel topic, or share interesting tidbits about the world of flying, please feel free to reach out. I would be happy to discuss how we can work together!

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