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“"Welcome, To The Most.." This show is about using comedy to have conversations on various topics in society. We have fun, but We Entertain!”


Entertainment News Society & Culture Comedy Interviews Comedy Celebrity


The Most Charismatic Man, Percy T. Brown, blends Comedy, Celebrity Call-Outs and Charisma together to deliver hilarious but impactful conversations. Tackling Controversial Topics, Pop Culture, Newsworthy Headlines and Current Events, he goes one on one with guests ranging from Celebrities, Content Creators to anyone willing to face the Iconic Charisma and Signature Hair! We have an open, hard hitting and entertaining conversation on various issues that are seen in society today. And remember, "A Helping Hand is a Better Hand." Follow me on IG @mr.nodaysoffpercy if you want to connect! Support this podcast:

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Home | Percy Brown | Actor | Podcaster

Percy T Brown, nicknamed The Most Charismatic Man, is an American Actor, Entertainer and the Host and Creator of ThePrinceofFreshAir Podcast.

theprinceoffreshair | Instagram | Linktree

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