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The CVMK Show -It Is What It Is!

“It’s a show where faith, business, entertainment, and sports collide. Not left, not right, just truth!”


Business Entrepreneurship Personal Brand Health & Fitness Business News


It is an exhilaration show that focuses on the hottest topics of today. The show will feature leaders in their perspectives industry and ask them questions to raise awareness and hit their interest at the same time challenge the perceived status quo.

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Cody X Pastor Naamon - Biblical Manhood and its Implications on Sex and Money#bible #man #sex #money

This is sugar hot fire ice tea. There are many different perspectives on the topic of man/manhood/masculinity and how it should be practiced and observed and...

A Step Backward to go Forward l Pivoting for Success l Athlete to Corporate #cvmkshow #keisha

Life will give you plenty of lemons. In the grocery shopping experience of life you never think that items will be added to your cart in order to reach your ...

Profile artwork for The CVMK Show -It Is What It Is!
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