Connecting Podcasters & Guests
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“Have a podcast? Want to repurpose your existing material to wider audience. Radio is looking for Radio Hosts”


Careers Life Experiences Health & Fitness Mental Health Relationships Self-Improvement Personal Finance Family Planning Equality Parenting


What is (shair dot care) is an all inclusive global community sharing experience, strength and hope to create strong, healthy and inspiring relationships, so that every individual feels safe, valued and heard, free from the threat of danger, pain or harm, starting at home. Radio is dedicated to bringing you the best in entertainment and social awareness. Our mission is a platform for your voice to be heard so you can promote social change.

The benefits of a strong, healthy and inspiring relationships are many.

Key benefits include:

  • Living longer, earning more money and for couples better sex lives.
  • Better mental health, lower stress, more self-time and better quality sleep.
  • For children – higher academic achievement, better emotional health, and fewer behavioural problems.
  • For organisations - Increased revenue, lower cost, higher satisfaction and greater impact.

You can join the Radio community. You have the power to lead social change and make a difference in your communities. Radio, is a platform for your voice to make our world more wonderful for everyone. Our programming features shows and segments hosted by community members, who share their stories and perspectives on a topics related to the 10 Principles and the Code.

You and your audience have a story to tell and we’re dedicated to providing a platform for those voices to be heard.

If you want to share practical solution to challenges and problems faced creating Strong, Healthy and Inspiring Relationships and like to host a show, Radio would love to hear from you. Radio just might be the right place to bring a world of excited people to you.

Tune in today and join the Radio community!

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