“By the grace of Zeus, Ganesh and Beyoncé you found the right podcast. Have a donut Be humble. Be authentic. Be inspired.”
Spirituality Life Coaching Alternative Health Business Self-Improvement Healthy Eating Health & Fitness Mental Health Nutrition YouTube
So you want to join the herd of Baby LLama that knows no Drama?
You are in the right place!
Here we Discuss life, Interview and Inspire Greatness!
-Fitness Guru - Business Guru - Breath Specialist - Content Creator
-Spiritual Guru - Mindset Guru - Influencer - Podcaster
- Guru's Guru - Awesome adventurer that will inspire baby's audience
This Podcast about to explode better be a guest to show you were one of the first.
Some of the Baby LLama Achievements:
-Discovered Atlantis, forgot to take pictures. -Uses way to many metaphors.
-Watched the birth of the universe, forgot snacks. - Once walked Left and Right at the same time.
-Former Exorcist, a fancy term for spiritual Pokemon Trainer. - Reaches the top Shelf.
-Went beyond Duality but went back since there was no Wi-Fi - Uses too many metaphors
-Went to the zoo to see Pandas,Panda dies. - Meditated over 7000 hours still is lost.
You can have me on your show too!
Speciality : Releasing limiting blocks,negative emotions and traumas.
Background: gazillions schools, billions modalities, countless courses, infinite energy spent, obsessed dude
My Fav topics are:
Join the herd!
PS2. I was LLama in previous life i found it funny.
PS3. Did you noticed PS1 is missing?
PS4. This was not generated by Chat GPT
Yours Chat GPT
🎙️ Welcome to the Golden LLama Show, where spirituality meets laughter, and enlightenment gets a high-five! Join your host, Andy, The Empath Guide, on a cosmic rollercoaster ride through the realms of wisdom and wonder. In each episode, Andy fearlessly interviews spiritual gurus, shamans, Life Coaches, and all-around cosmic adventurers. From dancing with Shamanic Spirits to navigating the intricate depths of the God realm, Andy leaves no crystal unturned in his quest for greatness.