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Don't Pick the Scab Podcast

“Inspiring men over 40 with tools, stories, and real-world experiences that ignite hope and foster resilience through a divorce.”


Self-Improvement Mental Health Parenting Relationships Male Health & Lifestyle



I'm looking for guests, men or women, who can positively and safely add advice and guidance to my listeners, men over 40, journey to their new reality. I feel that you don't have to have experienced divorce to be one of my guests. Everyone has had some type of trauma/drama and/or setbacks in their lives, and I can relate to my listeners trying to climb out of that negative place they are in now.

If you feel that you could and would contribute to the healing of my listeners, I would love to get you on the new show, Don't Pick the Scab Podcast, and further create a safe space for men over 40 in their divorce recovery journey. It will be an interview format discussing your expertise and experience in divorce, healing, emotional trauma, and/or any other dealings that encompass and can improve divorce recovery for men.

I've just launched a new book on Kindle - It's Ok the Hate Your Ex! It's not the typical book you would think about with a title like that. But, an explanation and testament of using the hate to heal and move on with your life and releasing the resentment that accompanies it.

And most of my guests have not been divorced, they just have either been through some sh*t and recovered and/or have a superpower that allows them to help others who have been through some sh*t. And once again, I ask - WHAT IS YOUR SUPERPOWER???

Thanks for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you.


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