“Promoting Asian Entertainment”
Arts Entertainment & Media Society & Culture
Candid Conversations is an interview segment where KCrush listeners get to know more about an artist, writer, actor, podcaster etc. through a laid-back and open interview. It's absolutely an environment where hard hitting questions are not asked, it's more akin to mingling at a party.
Interviewer: Cwamne Howard
Interviewer: Cwamne Howard Follow Jenny Zhou on:
Interviewer: Cwamne Howard Keiko Matsui - Echo Keiko Matsui - The Rose performance
Alexander Wong (IG @slackkeyalex) is a slack-key guitarist who was born and raised in O‘ahu, Hawaii. He plays traditional Hawiian slack-key guitar music
In the latest episode of Candid Conversations with KCrush, we are joined with Mike and Sav of the indie pop duo Corner Club. Their music can be