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Wilhelm Laubach

“Entrepreneurship enthusiast with expertise in Marketing, StoryBrand, Blue Ocean Strategy, Google Ads, and Lean Startup.”


About Me

As an experienced entrepreneur and passionate storyteller, I offer unique insights into various facets of business and marketing:

  1. Entrepreneurial Journey: I founded several projects, notably a content management system that, at its peak, served thousands of clients and managed over 40,000 domain names. My journey taught me the Lean Startup approach, allowing me to save time, minimize costs, and reduce risks.
  2. Storytelling and Marketing: Combining my improv theater background with a passion for storytelling, I utilize the StoryBrand principle to enhance marketing strategies. This approach increases conversion rates and brand awareness by creating compelling narratives.
  3. Blue Ocean Strategy: I advocate for the Blue Ocean Strategy, helping startups identify untapped niches. This strategy increases their chances of success by avoiding oversaturated markets, enabling them to earn more with less effort.
  4. Diverse Marketing Experience: I've executed countless projects across various industries, utilizing channels such as email marketing, local business strategies, and Google Ads. My extensive experience ensures I can adapt to different marketing needs.

Why Choose Me:

  • Effective Communication: My improv theater experience has honed my listening and reactive skills, essential for engaging and dynamic podcast conversations.
  • Podcasting Experience: As a podcast host and guest, I understand the nuances of both roles, ensuring seamless and insightful interviews.
  • Proven Expertise: With a career in entrepreneurship and marketing since 2005, I bring a wealth of stories, experiences, and knowledge to share with your audience.

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Masterful - We Help Mastering Enterpreneurship

Valuable advice for entrepreneurs that can help them to transform their businesses.


The Masterful podcast delves deep into the real world of startups, offering unfiltered insights from our journey that began in 2005 and led to founding an IT and Marketing agency in 2010. Having managed over 100 clients and numerous projects, we're passionate about meaningful entrepreneurship. This podcast shares our hard-earned wisdom on navigating the tech and marketing landscapes, testing business ideas, scaling effectively, and sidestepping common pitfalls. Tune in to learn from our mistakes and enhance your chances of business success. Ideal for any entrepreneur keen to minimize risk.

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We believe every startup deserves top-notch marketing, no matter the budget. Our turnkey packages are the bridge between your marketing challenges and success.

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Are you a business owner who needs a better marketing strategy? We help you find out what to do next! Only tested strategies & tools.

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