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Sophie Edwards

“Author, entrepreneur, voice coach, history researcher, trans woman”


About Me

Sophie Edwards has always defied expectations. From reading the newspaper at age four to being declared functionally illiterate in high school, Sophie now makes her living through the written word.

It's been more than a decade since she's had a traditional "job". She's ghostwritten, co-written, or edited hundreds of articles for clients within the award nominated digital agencies she cofounded - Cloud Surfing Media and Speechfully. These topics range from healthcare to trades work, self help to retail, education to IT security, and more.

She's also a voice feminization coach, working with transgender women to help them find a voice that better matches their identity.

Running her own businesses has given her the flexibility to pursue creative works as well.

The Bottom Line is her debut novel. It tackles concepts of identity, purpose, and the meaning we find in life, and what happens when we're robbed of that, explored through the lens of automation in near-future solarpunk Toronto. It's published via Vraeyda Literary, with a scheduled release of December 2024.

She’s also the creator and host of We Have Always Existed, a video essay series that explores the rich history of transgender people in the ancient Mediterranean and Near East.

In her spare time, she enjoys gardening, cycling, and playing drums in a death metal band.

Discover More

S. B. Edwards

I'm a writer.

We Have Always Existed Transgender Ancient History

To my trans siblings, They lie about us. All the time. But when they control the narrative, they can say whatever they want about us. They can claim being transgender is made up by freedom hating communists all they want, but that doesn't make it true. My trans sibling, we're the culmination of a rich, glorious, millennia-long tradition. We’re older than Rome and Greece, older than Egypt, Persia, and Babylon. We’re older than Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. We predate the very foundations of Western civilization. Before any of it, we were here. We Have Always Existed is a series that explores the histories of transgender people in the ancient Mediterranean. It might not change what’s happening today, but I hope you’ll walk away from this series feeling empowered. My trans sibling, you and I are so much more than what the forces of hatred want you to be. You’re beautiful. You’re wonderful. And you’re more powerful than you realize. Join me, won’t you?

The Bottom Line by Söphie Edwards Canadian Solarpunk Sci-Fi Novel — Vraeyda Media Inc

by Söphie Edwards Release Date: Autumn 2024 Dreams, robots and revolution collide when a crane operator’s co-workers get paid to be obsolete. In the glittering solarpunk metropolis of Toronto 2045, astral projecting crane operator Auden Black clings to a world increasingly dominated by machi

Profile artwork for Sophie Edwards
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