“I Help Professionals Upgrade Their Life By Shattering Blockages To Achieve Extraordinary Success. Works even if you've failed at everything!”
Target Audience: Professionals, Go-Getters, Athletes, Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners
Why: To Remove the barriers that stop them from upgrading their life so that they can grow and manifest even more success.
For nearly 20 years I have been a Meditation Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Quantum Manifestation Coach with some truly extraordinary experiences. But even more exciting is my clients' amazing & extraordinary successes.
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Problems I solve:
Addictions | Depression | Relationships | Stop Smoking | Exams | Relaxation | Drinking, Eating Problems | Stress | Drugs | Fears | Self Esteem | Gambling | Guilt | Sleep Problems | Food | Motivation | Sexual Problems | Achieving Goals | Memory | Self Hypnosis | Anxiety | Nerves | Career | Pain Control | Skin Problems | Childhood Problems | Panic Attacks | Weight Problems | Concentration | Phobias | Anorexia | Confidence | Public Speaking | Bulimia | Compulsive Behaviour | Fertility | & much more!