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Nicholas Aboolian

“Growing up, I struggled to assimilate in the U.S. Addiction brought me down, but recovery gave me purpose. Today, I give back through action”


About Me

Growing up, I had a lot of “growing pains.” Assimilating with the American culture in the early 90’s was difficult, especially when immigrating from another country. I understood my role in life, but I couldn’t understand “me.” This led to many complex challenges I had to overcome, but I knew one day I would see the light at the end of the tunnel. Addiction had brought me to my knees, begging for salvation. Finally, I surrendered everything I used to know about life, so I recreated a new way of life in recovery. Today, I live a clean, sober life with two successful careers and a golden education. I have devoted my life to giving back to the community today because action is what completes my journey.

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