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Mats Larsson

“I have explored the amount of resources needed to change society to sustainability and written 6 books on this, a unique effort.”


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Exploration of the Resources Needed for Change to Electromobility and a Circular Economy

I have explored the amount of resources that will be needed to transform transport systems to electromobility and the economy to a circular economy and written 6 books on these topics.

New Book Out September 2023

The most recent book is "How Building the Future Really Works," published in September and is available at a discounted price on Amazon UK and

The UK government and the EU have decided to ban the sales of fossil-fuel cars from 2035.

Very Large Investments Needed for the Change to Electromobility

To drive all 32 million cars in the UK on electricity 80 to 90 TWh will be needed, which is more than 25% of the country's current generation of 325 TWh. A similar situation exists in Europe. In addition to generation capacity, large investments will be necessary in power grids, and in the expansion of charging infrastructure.

No Country Is Prepared

No country is at present prepared for the change to electromobility and no country will be able to build the power and charging systems necessary to make it possible to stop the manufacturing and sales of petrol and diesel cars from 2035. More realistic plans need to be made that take into account all the activities that need to be undertaken to facilitate a smooth transfer to the new systems.

Countries depend on cost-effective transportation and a cost-effective supply of power, so realistic goals need to be set and all the necessary activities need to be co-ordinated to make the changes successful.

Countries need to learn from previous technology development and implementation projects, many of which have in the early stages been driven in the US, to a large extent financed by the US government. Examples are the developments of space technologies (first in the Apollo programme), computers, the Internet, airplane technologies etc, but there are many examples from Europe as well, such as power systems, railways, telephony, and mobile telephony.

Other Changes Will Also Require Large Resources

A similar need exists for the planning of the transformation to other sustainable systems and technologies. The implementation of a circular economy has been discussed in sustainability circles and it has been debated by politicians, but nobody has described the measures that need to be taken.

I studied the change to a circular economy and it is an umbrella concept with 10 to 15 sub-concepts. In each area change will require investments on par with those of the implementation of electromobility, and in many cases even more, as entire industries will have to be re-organized.

Little Competence for Large-Scale Change Available

400,000 Americans were involved in the Apollo Program. It is highly likely that more will be needed in Europe to change to electromobility. Development, implementation, and expansion activities will be needed on the national, regional, and local levels and many persons will have to be involved in expansion projects everywhere to build charging infrastructure and expand power grids.

Very few people with relevant competence exist that can participate in projects and there are no education or training programmes available that will supply personnel for the change.

Only One Person In the World Has Started to Explore Resource Needs for All Necessary Activities

Only I have started to explore the change to electromobility and a circular economy from the perspective of all the resources that will be needed to change all the areas that will be necessary.

My first book on the subject was published in 2009 with the title "Global Energy Transformation." I have since then written a total of 6 books that have been internationally published. One of them has been decicated to the large-scale change to a circular economy, with the title "Circular Business Models" from 2018. 3 of the books have been published by Palgrave, part of Springer, the world's largest publishing group for academic literature.

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