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llance kezner

“Specialty Food Innovator: From Crafting a Category Disrupting Product in His Home Kitchen to Reaching Half of All Walmart Stores Nationwide”


About Me

With over 14 years of experience as a co-founder and owner of Keep Life Tasty, I am passionate about creating food and beverage products that help people deal with stress and anxiety. My mission is to honor the lives of my family members who influenced me with their values and tastes, and to share their legacy with others through our family of products.

As a food product innovator, I have won multiple awards from the Specialty Food Association for outstanding products of the year, such as Millie's Sipping Broth, Auntie Gretchen's Water Essence, Bettye's Seasoning Blends, AJ's Vegi Shots, and GarLic it! I have also successfully serviced specialty retail, grocery, food service establishments, and corporate health and wellness programs with our plant-based, unsweetened, and flavorful offerings.

My wife Lori and I are a team and have been interviewed together, to give a perspective of how it is like to create and run a family business.

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