“I am highly aware of the audience that you have nurtured. As a guest, I bring quality content with an entertainer's flair. We'll have fun!”
Janine is a testament to the power of perseverance. As an impoverished teenager in rural Missouri, she launched several successful businesses before putting herself through the University of Missouri biochemistry program by working three jobs at once and selling all her possessions. She worked for 15 years in academic and industrial research laboratories before spending the next 20 years raising a brood of four active spawn. In the past two decades, Janine has completed her M.A. in Education, home-schools the herd, started another entrepreneurial venture (The8Gates, LLC., a firm dedicated to teaching fundamental principles of lifestyle independence), has written 12 books and teaches math and metaphysics in her spare time. Janine’s latest book, Author Podcasting: Be A Stand-Out Guest while Taking Your Book on a Virtual Tour, describes the systems and week-to-week behaviors needed to market your books & programs consistently. Janine has been working from home for over 25+ years and describes how to live, work and play in a self-created life steeped in creativity, joy and adventure.
Are you struggling to get on podcasts and to get your message, "out-there?"
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Other books by Janine:
Personal Finance