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Gina Mundy

“Attorney specializing in childbirth cases, author of the book "A Parent's Guide to a Safer Childbirth" and how to write a bestselling book.”


About Me

As an attorney specializing in childbirth, I have spent over 20 years analyzing the mistakes and complications that occur during childbirth. I authored the book "A Parent's Guide to Safer Childbirth" to help parent avoid these mistakes and have a healthy baby. Instead of getting involved after a mistake, I am getting involved before childbirth to help prevent them.

There are a number of topics to discuss including:

  • Most common facts and issues in a childbirth case.
  • What every parent must know for a healthy baby.
  • Why preparing for childbirth is important.
  • Why many families are only one decision or mere minutes from a healthy baby in the cases.
  • Top lessons each parent must know from the families, delivery team and medical experts.
  • Turning your experience into a book to help families.
  • What it takes to write a book and turn it into an amazon bestseller in less than 3 months after publishing.
  • How to juggle raising kids, being a partner in a law firm, wife of a business owner and becoming bestselling author.

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Gina Mundy

World’s only book that empowers YOU to protect both you and your newborn during childbirth.

A Parent's Guide to a Safer Childbirth | Clarkston MI

A Parent's Guide to a Safer Childbirth, Clarkston, Michigan. 838 likes · 1,326 talking about this. Author: Gina C. Mundy. A book for expecting parents to help them have a healthy baby.

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