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Bas Abels

“I am Bas, Founder of The Wildmen Tribe Ibiza. Men coming together to create more awerness and to reduce stress. A 3 day retreat in nature.”


About Me

The Wildmen Tribe is for men who want to connect with other men and to speak about what really moves them in life. Many of them are in a transformational shift on some level, and looking for like-minded men to share their thoughts and process.

Together we grow.

My name is Bas Abels (50), happily married to Renu, and father of Skye (14) & Rumi Été. (3)

I have always lived in Amsterdam before moving to Ibiza in 2012.

As long as I remember I have been passionate about music, and since 1988 I have been a proffesional DJ.

A big change in my journey started in 2017 in Ibiza when I was stuck in life. I was not happy.

In this time I almost separated from my wife and with that from my family.

I realised something fundamental had to change.

Always working, and going from party to party, recovering during the week and starting all over again in the weekend with not much time for myself.

In those days I went through a dark period, where I was tempted to make the wrong decisions.

It was time to break this pattern and to find myself back.

I did a lot off self work in the years that followed.

I have been part of the 100 day warrior and I have became a breath coach..

In Summer 2021 I stopped drinking and drugs ,my process came into an acceleration, I felt the need to slow down and to see what really makes me happy and what not. Change started to happen for me when I stopped listening to the voice in my head (my ego), instead choosing to follow my heart. I became conscious of my actions as a person, a husband and a father, and gained more self love and confidence.

Along the way noticing that there was a need for men to come together, and that I was able to guide and support them.

I started to organise men circles at my home and hosting sacred mushroom ceremonies.

From the men circles with friends the idea off the Wildmen Tribe was born.

Regards, Bas

Profile artwork for Bas Abels
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