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True Tales by Disability Advocates

“A team of disability advocates creates this podcast to share personal stories by disabled storytellers.”


Performing Arts Non-profit Arts Learning with Disabilities Places & Travel


Where advocates harness the power of storytelling to build community with their peers and hope to develop empathy in others. A team of disability advocates creates this True Tales podcast to share personal stories by disabled storytellers and add their voices to the growing community of podcast listeners worldwide.

According to the CDC one in four Americans live with some kind of disability. That’s about 61 million adults with 61 million experiences and points of view about what it means to live with a disability. Recognizing that everyone's life is enriched by the inclusion of multiple voices, Art Spark Texas, has been training Disability Advocates as storytellers for over 20 years. 

We feature non-fiction personal stories by storytellers who identify as disabled, told in their own voices.

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