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“This show is about blending charisma and comedy to have open dialogue about various topics. We have fun but most importantly, We Entertain!”


Entertainment News Society & Culture Comedy Interviews Comedy Celebrity


The Smooth Talking and Electric "Charismatic Man" talks about Newsworthy headlines, Pop Culture, Current Events and most importantly Controversial topics. I blend charisma, personality and my amazing hair together to have awesome but meaningful conversations. I embrace diverse opinions and open the door for discussions while doing Stand Up comedy, Sitting Down. And remember, "A Helping Hand is a Better Hand" Follow me on IG @mr.nodaysoffpercy if you want to connect! Support this podcast:

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Home | Percy Brown | Actor | Podcaster

Percy Brown, AKA The Most Charismatic Man, is an Actor, Content Creator and Host of ThePrinceofFresh Podcast.

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