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The Cosmic Companion - Astronomy, Space, Technology Advancing Humanity

“The Cosmic Companion w/ James Maynard makes learning science fun!”


Astronomy Nature Space Science Science Fiction


The Cosmic Companion w/ James Maynard, published each Tuesday, features friendly dinner-table conversations with some of the greatest scientists, authors, and developers around the world. Past guests have included Neil deGrasse Tyson, Kathy Sullivan (the first American woman to walk in space), and world-renowned oceanographer Sylvia Earle. 

Each Tuesday, the show (published in both video and podcast formats) looks at one aspect of astronomy, space exploration, or other sciences, featuring an interview with one or more experts on the subject, explaining science firsthand! Throw in some fun history and shake with a healthy dose of pop culture and bad puns, and you have an idea what The Cosmic Companion is all about!

Think you'd make a great guest? Drop me a line!


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