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The Beyond Traffic Podcast

“Marketing executives and founders at B2B SaaS startups share how they’ve used content marketing to achieve specific business goals”


Business Marketing Startups


Content marketing isn’t just about reporting on vanity metrics such as keyword rankings, organic traffic growth, social shares, number of backlinks, bounce rate, etc. What’s actually important is the business impact of your content marketing program such as revenue, pipeline, MQLs, SQLs, etc.

So, how do you actually get an ROI from content marketing? How do you measure it? What are different approaches you can take - beyond just getting more organic traffic? 

In this podcast, you’ll hear from marketing executives and founders at B2B SaaS startups on how they’ve used content marketing to achieve specific business goals. You’ll also learn how to communicate the impact of your content marketing program better.

If you’re ready to learn how to take a holistic approach to drive results from your content marketing efforts - this is the podcast for you.

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