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Sustaining Sport

“We are finding out: ๐ŸŒ How societal challenges impact sport And ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ How sport can be a powerful tool to help”


Sports Sustainability Political & Social Issues Investing Feminism


Competitive sport is one of the great joys of the human condition for athletes and spectators alike. It brings happiness, livelihood, and physical health and provides an education in teamwork, discipline, maturity, and humility. But for this to continue, sports around the world must acknowledge challenges both current and future and both internal and external. Then, steps must be taken to overcome what faces them, or risk losing what so many people hold so dear. But what are the challenges and what steps can be taken?

This podcast seeks to address exactly that! We will review everything from sexism in sport, sportโ€™s role climate change, racisms, gambling addiction, mental health, the list goes on and on! We will also discuss potential remedies and look at how we as individuals can make a difference. It begins with a conversation. It may lead to raising awareness, crowdfunding, even impact investing. And hopefully, it will end with meaningful change.

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