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Silver Screen Sips

“We want to grow and connect with other cinephiles, geeks, and mixologists who are passionate (and like drinking) just as much as us!”


Film Reviews Filmmaking TV & Film Entertainment News Visual Arts


Welcome to the show where two idiot friends talk about movies and discuss the ins and outs of the film industry. Filled with lots of jokes, arguments, and drinks; Silver Screen Sips keeps you updated on the latest Hollywood news whilst having a good time with friends!

As a guest on our show, you'll be expected to laugh at our dumb jokes, make some yourself, and be willing to get into unnesscary debates about the entertainment industry. We love meeting new creators and talking about their experience and opinions on films, Hollywood, and the movie making industry as whole. We have several segments which always revolve around the film we are discussing for that episode!

And then of course... there's you. You would be a part of all of this! You can give your 2 cents into each of our segments and at the beginning of the show, we save a time-slot for you to talk about you and your brand (Think of it like a promotional/interview segment)!

So what do you say...?

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