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Rainmaking with MandyC.

“The podcast that helps high-achieving feminists achieve more wealth than even from a place of spirituality and radically self-love”


Personal Finance Female Health & Lifestyle Spirituality Feminism Self-Improvement


This podcast is for feminists who despite their brilliance and professional achievement, still feel trapped because they have yet achieved the financial freedom they want. There is no judgement and shaming on this podcast because we all know it is still not easy for women to achieve financial success - The patriarchal system has conditioned us to conform to certain gender roles and this is holding all of us (women and men) back. To break free from this crap and reclaim our financial sovereignty, we need to start by taking back our minds. After all, the state of our finances reflects what we believe about the world and ourselves.

In each episode, your coach Mandy Cheung and her guest will share their stories, thoughts and tools to help you overcome your self-doubt, love yourself radically, and finally take that action so that you can create the results your desire.

Because if you genuinely love yourself and know that you are worth it, why wouldn't you take that action?

Sista, our time is NOW. There is no room for self-pity. Let's make it rain!

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