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Profile artwork for Pure Light 1111.  Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn

Pure Light 1111. Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn

“Conversations between conscious change makers, pioneers & soul led leaders spark ideas & excitement in all who listen!”


Entrepreneurship Spirituality Female Health & Lifestyle Life Experiences


I am known as The Modern day High Priestess. Spiritual Life and Business Coach. Soul Visionary, Multi-dimensional Channel and Healer.

I also spent nearly 20 years working in Finance on the sales & trading floor of Global Investment banks. Retrained as a clinical hypnotherapist & in Gestalt therapy. Then set up my purpose led business in 2017 where I brought together my Spiritual gifts, lineage & expanded vision to help people heal from past trauma, re-write the script & create soul aligned lives.

This is a podcast about transformation, growth, purpose, elevating consciousness & breaking the chains of our past to birth a new world together.

It is for conscious change makers, innovators, pioneers, entrepreneurs & visionaries across all areas of society & industry.

So far I have brought on authors, entrepreneurs, music executive, alternative medicine expert, founder & Birth rights expert.

There is power in sharing our transformation & this is the spark of magic that activates others to trust in their own inner knowing & potential.

It's a conversational style podcast & is about sparking inspiration in those who listen.

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Profile artwork for Pure Light 1111.  Soul Aligned Living - by Allera Dawn
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