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“Humorous chats with interesting people about their passions and life.”


Filmmaking Books Celebrity Classic TV & Film Film Reviews


Join me to talk about your passion for your craft, whether you are an Author, an Actor or a Filmmaker. Not just limited to the entertainment field. Tell me about your current book, film or project. Share your advice for others looking to take the same path. It's fun, it's informative and it's another avenue for your vision to be heard.

Papamute's was born in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, the youngest of four brothers in a close-knit Italian neighborhood. Moved to the suburbs of Philadelphia in 1990 to pursue photography and video work. Always a huge fan of films, comedy and sports, Papa dropped the first episode in January of 2021 and hasn't looked back since. The podcast has opened up opportunities to chat with interesting people about their careers and what it takes to make it in a chosen profession. Married and the father of two adult children and two beautiful grandchildren keeps Papa on the move. 

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