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How To Ruin Your Own Reputation

“Are you a rule breaker, risk taker or unconventional thinker who unapologetically lives a life that rejects society's status quo? Let's chat”


Life Experiences Mental Health Sexuality LGBTQIA+ Society & Culture Relationships Drag Political & Social Issues Pride Transgender


My guests are unapologetically living lives that are completely different from what was expected of them. It could be in the form of a unique occupation, untraditional lifestyle, or whatever makes some people shake their heads in disapproval.

We discuss the freedom that comes from living honestly and without concern about what other people think.

If fun and feisty conversation excites you, let's chat!

  • My podcast is on hiatus while I search for a new producer/Tech person. Hoping to start again soon!
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Resiliency Coach | Marci Warhaft

Marci Warhaft is a resiliency coach andbody image advocate. She provides coaching to help individuals develop skills needed to thrive in today’s world.

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