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Freelance & Finance

“A show all about freelancing and how to manage your finances while doing it!”


Places & Travel Entrepreneurship


I always knew I wanted to travel, so as soon as I started working I was funnelling money into a 'travel' account. Humble beginnings at my local McDonalds and pub, before I moved into the corporate 9-5 hamster wheel in 2016.

In 2019 I bit the bullet and quit my 9-5, jumping on a flight to Europe ($480 one way – those were the days!).

Without a plan and a bank account full of savings, the world was my oyster. But... I wanted to travel indefinitely, not just until my bank account was empty.

I wanted to make money online and from anywhere but I didn't know how, or even where to start!

I questioned myself a lot...

"Why would people hire me? What service can I even provide online? How do I even find clients?"

When I say I learned everything the hard way, I mean it. From finding clients and covering myself with contracts, to pitching services and invoicing, it was like I was walking through an unfamiliar house with my eyes closed and arms outstretched, feeling around for the way through to the next door.

Almost three years on, I have built a successful freelancing business and now have the ability to work from anywhere, whenever I want.

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