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Awakening the Goddess

“This is a show that seeks to provide a spiritual voice from a feminine perspective, that will promote spiritual awareness.”


Spirituality Astronomy Education History Alternative Health


Many women like myself were raised in family situations that lacked the skill set necessary to allow us to be our best selves. Repeatedly we received the message from well meaning parents, teachers, leaders of the communities that our place was to be “good”. Good meaning to conform with the program that you as a female are to be subservient, demure, supportive to others and of course do not have an opinion in conflict to what is expected of you. After having tried those measures many women are unfulfilled, I know that I was. I see many sisters of all races doing the same thing being told who you are and struggling to meet the expectations.

This is a show that seeks to provide a spiritual voice from a feminine perspective, that will promote spiritual awareness using tools such as meditation, numerology, medium-ship and many other modalities. The overall goal of this show is to empower others to become present in their existence with a special focus on the spiritual advancement of women.

Episode 1 -

Episode 2 -

Episode 3 -

See podcast website below for more.

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