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Profile artwork for Authentic Influence

Authentic Influence

“Looking to guest on other podcasts that focus on $1M+ professional services, software companies, and course creators.”


Business SaaS Entrepreneurship Marketing Sales Startups Personal Brand Courses


Note: Only message me if you have your own podcast/show with a similar audience and you're open to having me on your show.

About Authentic Influence

Authentic Influence is a show about B2B marketing. Our audience is typically made up of founders and owners of professional services, software companies, and course creators.

This is the show where we get real and talk about what's working to grow your B2B company.

Content collab opportunities

Open to discuss the following with you:

  • Podcast swaps
  • Ad swaps
  • Article exchange/co-creation
  • Sponsorship of our upcoming book and/or podcast

What we expect of our guests:

  • Teach our audience one strategy or tactic that's working well for your business. You'll have the ability to share your screen during our recording.
  • Share how you're using case studies and how effective they've been for your company
  • Break down your sales funnel/buyer journey for our listeners
  • We require that guests share some insight (metrics, numbers, and data) into how their campaigns are performing. So if you're not able or willing to share any of this info then we won't be able to proceed with the interview.

Where and how will this content be used?

  • The interview will be streamed LIVE to FB and Youtube
  • Authentic Influence podcast (distributed to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and more)
  • Promoted to our B2B audience (email list 1K, Twitter + FB 4K)
  • You may be quoted for other content we're producing eg. articles, guides, and a new book.
  • If you're interested in additional co-marketing and partnership opportunities, or you'd like to discuss sponsorship of our upcoming book and/or podcast - let us know.
Check out the full podcast
Profile artwork for Authentic Influence
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