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Allow Me to Claire-ify

“Let's explore alternative ways of viewing & experiencing life together - how are YOU doing this? I'd love to share it with my community!”


Spirituality Astrology Alternative Health Self-Improvement Mental Health


This is a space to get curious with your host, Claire Campagna. My hope is that this podcast will provide you with interesting perspectives and alternative ways to view, live & experience life. Listeners are encouraged to come with an open mind and an open heart with the intention to hear different ideas about interesting topics. Ideally, you will get a chance to suspend your conditioned beliefs (even if just for the moment) so you can expand your consciousness & experience life in a more love-centered, holistic way.

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Claire Campagna

Claire Campagna is a Spiritual Life Coach and Mentor in Charlotte, NC. Through her program, Discover Your Purpose, Claire uses her passion for astrology, human design, and yoga to support individuals who are unsatisfied with their lives as they find deeper purpose and authentic fulfillment.

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