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Zakiya Akerele

“I'm an author and educator that teaches people how to repurpose their education, control their career, and gain financial freedom.”


About Me

Dump Your Degree!

That's my message to students and grads seeking guidance on how to navigate their career after college.

Millions of recent college grads fall under the category of unemployed or underemployed and they are over the constant cycle of an inbox full of job rejections.

That's where I come in!

I was once an unemployed, dead-end job working, Ph.D. holder looking for a way to kickstart my career.

It wasn't until I stopped making my degrees the main focus, but instead used the sum of my knowledge, skills, and connections that I was able to figure out how to create a career I love!

My motto: Don't dwell on what doesn't work, instead, create what does!

My book, Dump Your Degree: How to Repurpose Your Education, Control Your Career, and Gain Financial Freedom will release on June 21st, 2022 (super excited about that)!

Who I serve (my audience): Current students, recent graduates, and early career professionals.

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