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Ynge Ljung

“I have an important message about health, autism spectrum disorders and their behavior issues, gut, brain health all related to allergies.”


About Me

Getting Your Health Back

Eliminate Your Allergies

My name is Ynge Ljung. I have been an Acupuncture Physician for more than 25 years. I am also a Naturopath, I have a published a bestselling book; Finding Your Lost Child - Understanding Allergies, Nutrition and Detox in Autism Spectrum Disorders, and I am the creator of The Allergy Kit, a simple DIY process done without pain, needles or drugs that can be used by the whole family.

I have worked with allergies since 1998, and I have seen the rise in allergies and their reactions in children and grownups.

Kids on the spectrum are severely impacted by allergies, and they are very sensitive to almost everything. Their so called behavior problems with temper tantrums and meltdowns are in fact allergic reactions.

My goal is to show families and everybody else with health problems, that they can turn their health around by changing lifestyle and eliminating their allergies - even though they often are not aware that they do.

I am also certified in The Body Code™, an energy treatment for trapped emotions that often can hinder people from going forward or eliminating their allergies due to experiences they have had during their life experiences, and these sessions get rid of them.

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