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Walt DeGrange

“My just cause is to spread the news that analytics can help improve the world through examples in sports, logistics, and teaching.”


About Me

Walt DeGrange is the Director of Analytics Capabilities for CANA. He recruits, develops, and enables a team of analytics professions to produce high level analytics products across federal and commercial domains including: operations research studies & analysis, analysis of logistics systems, sports analytics, data and information-based decision support solutions, and data quality & analytic assessments. He is also a faculty member at the University of Arkansas in the Operations Management graduate program, an MBA Executive Advisor at the NC State University Poole School of Management, and the Past Chairperson for the INFORMS SpORts Section. His analytics projects include work with the Department of Defense, Major League Lacrosse (MLL) team, and several commercial organizations. Walt also teaches professional analytics courses for both INFORMS and MORS.

Walt retired from the Navy in 2014 after spending 21 years as a Supply Corps Officer. The Navy allowed him to; travel the world, learn and teach analytics, and use logistics to support everything from a ship to an entire country.

Today, Walt spreads the message of how analytics can improve life using interesting examples in sports, esports, supply chain, change management, and military operations. He also has written a book, Field Guide to Compelling Analytics, to help analytics professionals learn about the practice of analytics beyond the math. The book introduces trust, communication, and experience as well as basic analytical considerations in the attempt to convince the audience that the math works.

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