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Vanessa Krauss

“Artist, author. Pines for video game nostalgia of the N64 and Gamecube era. Art is spacey, fiction is weird. LGBT but doesn't brag about it.”


About Me

Vanessa Krauss is a Vancouver, Canada resident with experience in the video game industry (Electronic Arts: FIFA, NBA, NCAA) and is a professional destroyer of software (QA). I can regale others for hours about breaking games, stupid crashes, and being a gamer girl.

I'm fluent in snark, and an avid writer of everything that encompasses speculative. My literary works are published with Dream's Edge Publishing, JMS Books, Poe Boy Publishing, and Aberrant Literature, with more in the future. I lean towards controversy and what-if-isms. Favorite writing topics include environmental issues, LGBT, and body horror of all kinds. I love inclusion, but I especially love out-there concepts and aliens. Exploring crazy worlds that has all of the above is my jam.

Of course, I'm also an artist! Space and characters!

My bluntness drives deep. I'm literally paid to tell people their work needs improvement. Sounding off on literature, art, and games is in my wheelhouse, and I like to deliver on these subjects with heartfelt honesty and a raw candidness.

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